

When Langston Haygood was converted at age 19, he did not know what was happening to him. He wanted God is his life more than he wanted breath in his lungs. He prayed. And rose from his knees realizing that if God could change him, God could change anybody. Later, a verse reminded him of his calling:

But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you.

—Acts 26:16

Whether Dr. Haygood was parenting, preaching, teaching, doing seminars, writing, counseling, or even painting, his purpose was always clear: Changes, challenges, bumps, or hardships validated a life lesson: God is a God of surprises! And He’s good!

The bruised reed He will not break, and the dimly smoking wick, He will not quench

—Isaiah 42:3

Dr. Haygood has ministered as an ordained presbyterian pastor, a Licensed Professional Counselor, an adjunct professor of three institutions, a founder and director of counseling centers in the United States and in Ukraine. He studied in seven different institutions of higher learning in this country and abroad, and has five academic degrees. He has written for popular magazines as well as for professional journals.

His passion is Jesus Christ—to go farther in and higher up. He loves to watch people moved by the discovery of biblical truth through the enlightening presence of the Holy Spirit in someone’s life. And that ministry may have been from the pulpit, from a counseling chair, from a teaching lectern, or from family time on Saturday nights. He has been blessed with a love for everything he does, for, to him,

Whether [we] eat, or drink, or whatever [we] do, do all for the glory of God.

—I Corinthians 10:31